When I train or counsel a client there is a trust established that allows her to feel comfortable and empowered. My biggest goal with every client is that she learn the skills she needs so that she is now in complete control of her health; which in turn will affect her family. I want her to feel that she can go to any gym and know what to do for herself. I also want her to be an informed consumer so that she and her loved ones do not fall prey to fad diets, workouts or supplements ads that promise fast and effortless weight loss and fitness.
Wellness is a package; it's not one or two things. It's several beginning with GOD, Exercise, Nutrition, Time and Stress Management
I'm a mother of a blended family with 5 children. All are grown except one. I have been a personal trainer for many years, been a fitness instructor, and hold two Bachelor of Science Degrees - one in Nutrition/Dietetics, and the other in Exercise Science. My passion is helping women realize their worth while helping them navigate through the media, books, well meaning friends and family and other barriers that keep them from acheiving real health.
Nutrition and Wellness
I am passionate about helping women learn how to select foods that are truly good for them and thier family. If mom is healthy, chances are increased that the rest of the family will be too. Kids learn from watching by example. Our moms often need help being healthful mentors to thier children. I can show you how. What do you need? You need to be ready. If I feel you are not ready, I will not do you the disservice of allowing you to pay me and waste your money by having me chase you down to make you do what you should be doing. I train, education, guide and you do it. You must be ready.....I've released clients from their arrangement with me because I couldn't get them up and running simply due to the fact that they weren't ready.
What Makes Me Qualified? Why Trust Me?
Well first of all, as I mentioned I spent a few years getting myself on a healthy pathway before learning that exercise, nutrition and teaching women would soon become my passion. I WAS unhealthy, I hated exercise and I turned it all around, and so can you! I then put a lot of good hard work earning my B.S Degree in Dietetics as well as in Exercise Science. I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Acadmy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as well as Women's Fitness Specialization. I build a relationship with you beyond a trainer barking at you. I truly care about you and how you are doing! I celebrate your triumphs and we figure a strategy around your weaknesses
Sometimes women are afraid to lift weights and build muscle for fear of looking unfeminine, but this is so far from the truth. Building muscle is healthy, it burns fat through revving the metabolism, and also wards off osteoporosis. We take things slow - I don't find pleasure in your pain - we will have fun as you learn how to feel comfortable in a gym setting....
A strong core is important because it means a stronger foundation, it also improves posture which gives you a quiet yet strong presence ....carrying yourself better leads to self image within as well as what you outwardly project.....