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65% of Evangelical Christians are Overweight!

Food and exercise are such funny things. On one perspective food is a many faceted thing: It's comfort when one is sick, it fills boredom, it is a "go to" during times of ambivilance and stress, it's celebration, culture, a double standard (I'll explain later), its bonding, it's business, an element of many things wrapped up in such a simple yet complicated daily function. We have lost sight of what it is meant for; nourishment and health. Yes, of course it's more as already stated, but it is so easy to allow it to get out of hand as well. Food is so easily and readily available, and since many christians know that it is unChristlike to have a drug, alcohol, or any other addiction, food has become a prominent addiction in the Christian church. There are so many other problems in the world such as drugs, sexual and porn addictions, affairs, skyrocketing divorce rates, as so on, we have failed to bring gluttony to the forfront of one of the 7 deadliest sins. The LORD knew what HE was talking about in HIS word when HE gluttony as one of those 7. Only today we bury it, it's acceptable in the church and not addressed because it never reaches the radar and pales in comparison to the other megga issues faced in the church today.

Take a look around at the population, and one could safely say that 75% of every small group of people at one snap shot in time are either slightly overweight or could be considered obese. Why is this happening? Well as mentioned there are bigger fish to fry (no pun intended), but also there are so many messages people are recieving these days about body image, health, fitness, food, exercise and where the boundaries are with the average believer. Many believers like to use that scripture in 1 Timothy 4:8, where it says Exercise profits the body little, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promis for the present life and also for the life to come. Personally I have heard so many Christians use this as a reason why they don't exercise and eat right. And after much observance and learning through personal experience many also see people who are fit as those who are vain, and worshippers of thier figures.

What roles do these mind sets play? Well the media for one who send the message that unless you are looking "fine" you are not worthwhile, the food industry attaches feelings, sex, romance and social acceptance with food, upbringing and attitudes that stem from cultural values in addition to double standards as well. The diet and supplement industry have thier hands in this as well with sending many confusing and mixed messages on the 'magic solution" for just a named about of money plus shipping and handling.....

Honestly the bottom line is this. How do we get back to the simplicity of health, stewardship of our bodies, and enjoying what we are doing along the way? It's time to take back your health, it's time to decide for yourself that you will slow down and do what's right by GOD, yourself, and your loved ones. How? Well let's go over that:

1) Submit all issues with exercise, food, and health over to the very being who made you - CHRIST. Ask HIM for healing on any issue that is tying itself to your lifestyle. If you have a sugar addiction, food addiction, eating disorder, work-aloholism, exercise-aholism, body image issues,....whatever the case may be. Submit them with a whole heart to HIM. Afterall HE made you, HE knows how to help you rid yourself of things that keep you from being all you can be in HIM. HE truly cares about every detail in your life.

2) Move your body more and here's why: Please see chart below:

When we put CHRIST at the forefront of our health, it is like hitting a "Pause" or "Reset" button. And we begin to feel better because the center is now truly THE CENTER. Also, have you noticed that all throughout the bible GOD talks about your faith in words of action and movement? "I will hide you under my wing" "You will soar like eagles" "workout your salvation with fear and trembling" "run your race" and might I add, the Israelites and everyone walked everywhere, they had physical work to do....even Adam and Eve tended to animals and The Garden. Our lifestyles today have taken us far away from how we have been designed and it is leading us to some major problems along the way such as prescription drug problems and the side effects of them, overly scheduled lives and over scheduled children have replaced cooking and preparing healthy meals.

It takes courage to put on the brakes. But in order to bring ourselves back in line, we need to stand up as believers and set the standard. We are the city on the hill in so many ways.

I'll be continuing this more later, because it is indepth. Pray and ask The LORD how HE would have you handle your current lifestyle and the issues that go along with it. I'll bet you'll be amazed at the changes that take place!

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